The celebration of Advent, the revisiting of this practice year after year is such a precious and valued tradition in my life. Coming back to these practices of candles, scriptures, songs, etc. reminds me of just what a gift we have been given – the Light of the world shining into our lives. Advent and Christmas always makes me think of songs of the season (not a huge surprise). One of my favorites is “Breath of Heaven” by Amy Grant. It’s written from Mary’s perspective as she travels and prepares to give birth to Jesus. Being just a child herself, Mary was visited by an angel with amazing news. She was called to this momentous task of carrying the Son of Man. No doubt she likely soon began to feel all “the feels” along with this new path. I can only have a small glimpse of this as a mom-to-be who had some normal fears prior to giving birth. A few of the lines which I find poignant from the song are:
“I am frightened by the load I bear
In a world as cold as stone
Must I walk this path alone?
Be with me now ~ Be with me now”
We often reach out and ask God to be with us in times of fear and trepidation, when things seem unclear or we do not understand why we are on the path set before us. If there is one thing we can be sure of during this season, it is the reminder Advent gives us that Jesus comes to us time and again. May we be intentional and invite Him in this Advent so we are not alone in bearing the load or walking our path. He wants to walk with us!