Our Children are the future and we want to make the BEST future possible. Join our amazing programs for kids. Join us each week:
- Sunday @ 9:15 – Begins with Donut Hole Fellowship and then breaks into small groups.
- Wednesday 6-7:15 – Chandler Kids (During School Year)
If you have questions please contact our office:

Whether it’s asking hard questions or playing ridiculous games, our youth group is a place where students will find community, purpose, and freedom to be real as they figure out what it means to follow Christ. Join us each week:
- Sundays @ 9:15 am
- Wednesdays @ 6-7:15 pm (during school year)
- Sundays @ 5-7 pm (activities and schedule varies)

Music at Chandler has a place for everyone and every style. Sunday morning music brings the newest songs and ancient hymns. We have orchestra pieces. The ukulele has joined the praise, even epic solo handbells. In everything and every way we sing and play our Savior’s praises!
If you have questions please contact our Music Minister, Tamara Everly:

From mission trips to Bingo nights, our adults love to connect. With each other and with God. Join us each week:
- Sunday Small Groups, 9:15am: We have a variety of groups with different curriculum. Fell free to try them all!


Church is not designed to stay inside. After all, we are the children of God. So we follow Jesus to share God’s love with the world! We serve in a variety of ways: from Serve Sunday, when we turn Sunday morning into a service day, to mission trips traveling across the world, including Haiti (where the boxes in the picture are headed, full of gifts for children with our mission partner Jenny!), to quilters making blankets for a low-income preschool. We have set out to make Love an action, because Christ first loved us!

Sunday at 11:30am our Chandler Cares Food Pantry provides food to our community. If you know someone in need please give them our church information!! (Click the link for more details.)