Join one of our Groups:
Small Groups 9:15-10:15 — We have groups for every age and interest (check out kid and youth details on their page). Feel free to try each one that interests you! — Remember to join us early for Donut Fellowship! (9am)
- Beacon Class ~ Room 500 (Back Hall) ~ Class uses the Bible as the text and discusses ways to apply the truth to our life today. Led by Brian Miller.
- Married and single adults (most with adult children).
- Mary and Martha Class ~ Office Conference Room ~ Class is for senior women who love the Lord. Curriculum is the Smyth-Helwys Formations. Led by Wilma Searcy.
- Lost & Found Class ~ Room 501 (Back Hall) ~ Class watches and discusses The Chosen (a video series on Jesus and Disciples). Led by Melissa Marr
- Married and single adults (many with children at home).
- Pathfinders Class ~ Room 503 (Media) ~ Class discusses scripture and examples of biblical characters to find application for today. Curriculum includes commentaries, movies, videos, and photos from Israel trips. Led by Steve Stratton.
- Married and single adults (most with adult children).
- Young Adult Class ~ Room 705 (Upstairs) ~ Class explores issues and scripture of interest to young adults. Led by Tim Everly and Lindsay Hartzler
- Adults in their 20’s and early 30’s.
- “Right Side Up” Class ~ Room 502 (Back Middle Hall) ~ More details coming soon. This group will begin as a churchwide discussion on Philippians (Fellowship Hall). Led by Dave Everly.
Tuesday Evening Zoom ~ Join Steve Stratton every Tuesday at 7:30. The class is open for anyone who want to dive deeper into scripture! Email Steve for more details and the Zoom link:
Women’s Connection:
2nd Wednesday, 1-3pm — Come and enjoy a time together with Women who love each other and the Lord! Each month includes snacks, conversation, devotion, and a service project.
For more details contact Ellen Smith:
Throughout the year we have lots of others events. From bingo to camping to outdoor movies to a live nativity! These events will be posted on our Facebook Page and weekly updates. We hope to see you soon!