Luke 7:36-50 February 12

A real Shower — You may have already heard about David Whitlock, but if not – take a minute and four seconds to listen to the NPR report:


Mother-DirtCan you imagine not showering for twelve years? Can you imagine being his girlfriend?! And yet he not only sprays himself with bacteria, but now has a product line – Mother Dirt. Even amidst reports we might shower too often, I doubt trying this is good idea on Valentines Weekend…

Yet this reminded me of the early church. Life in Palestine was not showered. My friend in seminary wrote a paper titled “The Smell of Christ”. Jesus’s odor was much more homeless than bath salts.

This helps bring into focus the passage from Luke 7. Jesus’s feet were dirty. Calloused. The woman wiped his feet with her own hair, with her own tears. Poured on his feet the best perfume.

Today, excluding David, we are physically cleaner. Yet the outside of the cup belies what is inside. For myself there is a tendency to sit respectably, as the Pharisee. Sitting as the one who is clean and able to receive another’s praise. I act respectable even when I need fall at the savior’s feet in confession. The woman, unconcerned with the reaction of others, becomes the example of confession. Her sole focus is to praise the one who has saved the world – even her. Even you. Even me.

So she – not the others at the party – receive the shower of forgiveness. The cleansing that washes beneath, healing even her heart.

seated resturant pagerFellowship Challenge

This Sunday and next sign up to join Dinner for Six.

What is Dinner for Six?? — Couples and individuals will be grouped into six and then plan a meal together. The group decides when, where, and most importantly what to eat. It could be a meal out or one could choose to be a host home. It will be a great time of fellowship and a way to connect deeply with our church family!

Chandler Baptist Church