My wife and I have attended Chandler church for over twelve years now. We joined the church because of the people. They welcomed us from the beginning and have become our family. Our Sunday school class has been a blessing to us where we study the bible and have a great time of sharing.
I like Chandler because it is a church that is outward focused. Chandler has accepted Jesus’s great commission to go out and make disciples of all nations. They have sponsored its members on mission trips to Haiti and India. Going door to door and sharing the Good News.
Chandler has a heart for the folks in the area surrounding it. The church has had a continuous Wednesday night children’s program that shares the gospel and feeds all the kids. The church offers a weekly food pantry to the community.
Annually the church supplies Thanksgiving dinners to the elderly and anyone that might otherwise not have a warm meal. The church has an annual serve Sunday making repairs to homes and trailers. A live nativity is presented at Christmas time.
If you are looking for a church come and visit us. We are centrally located between Liberty, Kearney and Excelsior Springs. Where the Gospel is preached and God’s people are served.