I would like to invite YOU to my church.
I have attended Chandler for 35 years. Here is what I know and love about us:
We accept that we are not perfect. We don’t claim to be. Together, we strive to follow Jesus, who IS perfect.
We love. My family walks through the doors each Sunday and we are welcomed. Chandler is our family because we have experienced life together. The highs and the lows. They were some of the first to hold my babies. As those babies have all reached adulthood, their childhood memories are so intertwined with Chandler that its impact can’t be denied. When they enter, they receive smiles, hugs, and questions. How was your week? How are YOU? How can I pray for you? Chandler is family!
We are real. As with any family, at times throughout the 35 years, I’ve been hurt by people at church. Why? It’s because we are all sinners gathering together with the purpose of learning, encouraging, and becoming disciples of Christ. It’s messy at times. I’m here for it though.
We are generous. Throughout the years, I’ve experienced that generosity in so many ways. If we hear of a need, we are quick to act. We gather our resources and make a plan to offer support. More importantly than monetary generosity, we are generous with our time. It’s not uncommon for people to take vacation days to volunteer for a children’s or youth event. We’ve sent teams to Haiti on multiple occasions. I’ve seen people invest many hours to plan creative ways to communicate Biblical truths.
We are Community. Meals enjoyed together, tears cried together, prayers prayed and answered together, hard questions pondered together, death grieved together, births rejoiced together, hard times endured together, blessings experienced together…
If you don’t have a church family, I want to invite you to Chandler. There are no requirements. Everyone is welcome!
P.S. It’s where I found Jesus…and my husband.